Ron Barr, A.I.A, Founder and Principal has more than 30 years of experience in Architecture and Construction throughout Florida, 33 other states and Puerto Rico. Ron received his Master of Architecture degree from Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana and went on to receive his General Contractors license shortly thereafter. As an Architect and General Contractor, Ron guides Clients through the technical and design aspects of their project. Ron has the ability to serve national clients with the continuity they expect project after project.
Alabama AR #6381
Arizona AR Individual #61976
Arizona AR Firm #24797-0
Arizona GC #ROC323023
Arkansas AR #8954
Arkansas GC #0381750520
Colorado AR #ARC.00402305
Connecticut AR #ARI0013090
Delaware AR #S5-0008086
Florida AR #AR0016160
Florida GC #CGC1523592
Georgia AR #RA012017
Idaho AR #AR-987583
Illinois AR #001021899
Indiana AR #AR11900144
Iowa AR #ARC08209
Kentucky AR #7493
Louisiana AR #6684
Louisiana Firm #AC0513
Maryland AR #15438
Massachusetts AR #31706
Michigan AR #1301059729
Minnesota AR #51867
Mississippi AR #5267
Nebraska AR #A-4753
Nebraska GC #52938-23
Nevada AR #6710
New Hampshire AR #04483
New Jersey AR #21AI02103100
New Mexico #6266
New York AR #032101
North Carolina AR Individual #12152
North Carolina AR Firm #53229
Ohio AR #ARC.1115461
Oklahoma AR #A7349
Pennsylvania AR #RA404159
Rhode Island AR #ARC.0004838
Rhode Island GC #GC-40393
South Carolina AR Individual #AR.9089
South Carolina AR Firm #ARF.101515
Tennessee AR #103878
Texas AR #23115
Utah AR #10465827-0301
Virginia AR #0401014247
Washington AR #9425
Washington DC AR #ARC4000053
Wisconsin AR #12166-5